Durable medical equipment (DME) is equipment that helps you complete your daily activities. It includes a variety of items, such as walkers, wheelchairs, and oxygen tanks. Medicare usually covers DME if the equipment serves a medical purpose and is appropriate for use in the home.
Examples of DME include:
- Wheelchairs
- Walkers
- Hospital beds
- Power scooters
- Portable oxygen equipment
Appl Orchard’s services cover DME.
WASHINGTON, DC – APRIL 10: Nordicka Burton, 30, assists Darlene Jones on April 10 in Washington, DC. Burton works as a home health aide. Burton, a single mom, has been living with her sons at DC General and hopes to move into transitional housing soon. Burton is employed full time but has credit problems and has not been able to rent an apartment. Burton does not like the environment at DC General (she thinks there are too many hostile interactions) and tries to spend as little time at the shelter as possible. She often takes her boys to parks and a friend’s house so that they don’t have to return to the shelter until curfew. (Photo by Bonnie Jo Mount/The Washington Post via Getty Images)